The payment processing migration is now completed, and I am happy to report TATVCanada now accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Please note, I will no longer be accepting PayPal due to the high cost of processing fees as well as a recent incident of fraud. To those of you who have been emailing […]
After what seems like an eternity, the last remaining parts have arrived from the factory, and pre-ordered sets are now shipping (at 2019 pricing). New orders are now being accepted at the 2020 price.
Everything has arrived from the factory. We’re now just waiting on MEC to ship the carbide dies. ETA approximately 2-3 weeks.
A new shipment of 12G Full-Size Wad Punches has arrived from the factory.
Good evening, folks, For a year that’s just started, 2020 has certainly brought it’s fair share of challenges! Processing of the recent shipment of goods from the factory has now been completed, and any backorders/pre-orders able to be fulfilled have now shipped. Please note the following: The factory I use has recently increased their rates; […]
As many of you know, I moved to a new home late last year, which has taken up a lot of my time. This, coupled with recent events affecting global trade/production, and now the Corona virus (I work in essential services, which means I am on-call 24/7, and working mandatory overtime) have introduced longer than […]
After several different prototypes and a whole lot of testing, I’m pleased to report that the 12 gauge shotshell reloading dies (including resizer, deprimer and primer), roll crimper and hull mouth repair tools are all complete and entering into production. Details on each design are available in the Projects section of the site. I’m still […]
Hello folks, I’m excited to announce that the first shipment of premium Russian slug moulds by ASM have arrived and are ready for sale! I’m still in the process of pricing, photographing and uploading to the site, but expect to see them start appearing in the next few days.
Hello folks, Recently I’ve decided to implement a pre-order system for certain expensive, low-volume production tools. I know many people don’t like pre-orders (including me), so I’m going to take a moment to explain how they work and the rationale behind my implementing them. Why Pre-Orders? A handful of the tools I produce (mostly .410 […]
I’m pleased to report the 12 gauge shotshell resizing die is now complete and entering production. Stay tuned for an announcement regarding pricing and availability.