Having finally taken some time to go through the old reloading room, I’ve decided to have a little ‘garage sale’ of some of the parts and equipment I no longer need. This is a mix of new and used items; some were just purchased to review, others are things I’ve used but no longer need, and some were just ‘spare parts’ I don’t have space for anymore. Everything listed below is being sold in Canadian dollars for the amounts listed. Shipping can be discussed depending on where you live (Canada and US will likely be around $20CAD for one or more items). I’m happy to combine shipping wherever possible. Payments from Canadian customers can be made in cash or etransfer. US and international payments must be made via PayPal.
As the items here are from my personal stock and not associated with the business, prices are tax free, and sales are final/as-is. Shipping insurance is still available for those who want it. If you have questions about a particular item, I will reply, but would really appreciate it if you would check the manufacturer’s website for specific details first.