After several different prototype versions I’m happy to report the shotshell hull trimmer is now complete and entering production. Pricing and availability details to follow.
I’ve just received the first eight sample shotgun slug moulds from Russian manufacturer ASM. These are the original, premium moulds from which many popular Svarog models were cloned. I have placed my first order with ASM to begin importing these for sale worldwide– more details on this as they become available. I will be reviewing […]
The following projects have finished prototyping and moved onto the testing phase: .410 Hull Repair Tool 20G Hull Repair Tool 12G Hull Repair Tool 12G Roll Crimper 12G Hull Trimmer 12G Reloading Dies
A new shipment of Russian stabilizer wads has arrived (finally…) and they’re back in stock! Backorders are being fulfilled first, after which it’s first come, first served!
The first shipment of 20 Gauge Filler Wad/Overshot Card & Full-Size Wad Punches have arrived from the factory and will begin shipping this weekend.
After scrapping several designs for the crimp bit, I believe I’ve finally arrived at one that will work the way I want without costing a fortune to produce. I’m now in the process of further fine tuning it, and believe I will be going to prototype by early March.
Initial design work on the 12 Gauge Shotshell Hull Trimmer has been completed, and this project is now entering the prototype phase. 3D printed models are now being produced for testing and evaluation. Stay tuned for updates.
Production of the 410 Filler Wad/Overshot Card & Full-Sized Wad punch tools have been placed on hold due to limited demand. If this is a tool you’re interested in seeing produced, let me know by placing a pre-order in the shop, or email me at [email protected] to be placed on the notification list.
The 20 Gauge Filler Wad/Overshot Card and Full-Sized Wad Punch tools have entered production and a shipment is expected from the manufacturer by early March. Folks who’ve pre-ordered these should expect to have them in hand by mid-March. Interested in purchasing one of these tools? Check out the shop to place a pre-order and confirm […]
With interest in my tools and other products growing, I’ve decided to put together a simple website for folks interested in following my design projects. The various pages here will focus strictly on the tools and equipment I’m working on; all of my regular video content can still be accessed online at YouTube and the […]